Monday, April 16, 2012

Gingivites (Bleeding Gums ) May Sighn of Diabetes

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High Blood sugar in type 2 diabetics are more likely to develop periodontal disease than well-controlled diabetics .Studies conclude that poorly controlled diabetics respond differently to bacterial plaque at the gum line than do well-controlled diabetics and non-diabetics. Also, poorly controlled diabetics have more harmful proteins (cytokines) in their gingival tissue, causing destructive inflammation of the gums.  In turn, beneficial proteins (growth factors) are reduced, interfering with the healing response to infection.
Diabetics tend to lose collagen, a protein that supports gums, skin, tendon cartilage, and bone, in their gum tissue, thus hastening periodontal destruction. Vascular disorders (caused by diabetes), such as reduced circulation in tiny blood vessels in the gums, interfere with nutrition and healing in the gum tissues. Young people with type 1 diabetes, especially those with poor control, are very vulnerable to early-onset periodontal disease as they reach puberty.

Studies on Diabetes and Dental Problems

A study published in the September 2002 issue of Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice looked at 102 patients, average age 65 with type 2 diabetes.

In this Swedish study, the researchers conducted a comprehensive dental examination and then compared these results with the same battery of tests given to a control group without diabetes but otherwise the same in terms of age and gender. The results indicate that diabetic subjects had more pockets between teeth, which indicate moderate to advanced gum disease. They also had deeper pockets. The diabetics had more plaque on their teeth and experienced more bleeding of their gums when being examined. The 22 subjects on insulin had more cavities than those who were controlling diabetes with diet only.
Overall, the diabetic group also had problems with dry mouth and those with poor control had worse problems.
In an article in the Journal of Periodontology, the author Christopher Cutler, DDS, states that "increased serum triglyceride levels in uncontrolled diabetics seem to be related to greater attachment loss and probing depths, which are measures of periodontal disease."
For this reason, the article stresses that diabetics work with their health care team to keep cholesterol levels and triglyceride levels normal. "Reducing ...[these two levels], preferably through diet and exercise, may be the most important changes that diabetics can make to improve their life, as well as their oral health."

Diabetes Affects Teeth and Gums

Plaque builds up on all of our teeth. However, high blood glucose levels help germs to build up on our teeth and gums, making these problems worse so that we could actually loose our teeth.
The first signs are red, sore, and bleeding gums. This can lead to periodontitis, which is an infection in the gums and the bone that holds the teeth in place. Pockets form between the teeth, which fill with germs and pus. If not treated and the infection gets worse,  gums may pull away from  teeth, making the teeth look very long, and teeth will loosen, diabetics are singled out for many diseases, but with gum disease about 85% of all adults develop it. 10% have lost all of their teeth to it. It is difficult to get people to brush and floss as often as they should.
Many people do not go to the dentist when their gums bleed when they brush or floss. This bleeding is not normal. It needs to be addressed. If the plaque is not brushed and flossed away it hardens into tartar and collects under the gum line.
To make matters worse, more plaque forms over the tartar, so you can imagine how the problem can escalate. Although tartar is inert, it harbors surface bacteria and worsens the disease below the gum line. As the process accelerates, more and more tissue becomes diseased and more plaque accumulates. Once the bone begins to be destroyed, you know the rest; the teeth loosen and false teeth are around the corner.

 Fighting Periodontal Disease When You Have Diabetes

The prospects for fighting periodontal disease are excellent, as there are many things that someone with diabetes can do to stop the process or correct the disease once it starts. The first goal is easy.
1. Good Blood Glucose Control
 2. Oral Hygiene
Why do diabetics need to care about controlling periodontal disease? First, dental infections may worsen diabetes by causing hyperglycemia, mobilization of fatty acids, and ultimately acidosis. As we know, all of these conditions make it very difficult to control blood glucose levels.
Proper nutrition is essential to good control of diabetes. When gums are tender, a diabetic may opt for foods that are not appropriate for their diet. Dentures are not a good option for those with diabetes, according to the American Dental Association, because of the tendency for gum irritation and the possibility for infection.
To summarize, we hope that reading this article has helped you understand the importance of caring for your teeth, gums, and blood glucose levels. Most people know that when diabetes is poorly controlled, they will eventually have problems with their extremities, particularly toes and feet. But the same type of damage can occur to the salivary glands. Without those protective proteins we spoke of, diabetic people are at a higher risk for dental problems. In people with well-controlled diabetes, there really is no difference in their oral health compared to those without diabetes. But, as we have explained, those with poor blood glucose control or poor oral hygiene run the risk of cavities and periodontal disease.

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