Monday, February 16, 2009

Here are 6 bad habit that are keeping you fat.

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1.To start to lose weight you need to think differently about
food, you need to see food rather as the fuel your body needs to
get through your day rather than how much of this can I pack in
at each sitting. 

2.Lack of exercise is another bad habit that can be keeping you
over weight. You know deep down that you really should be
increasing how much you exercise, and have every intention of
doing it but you give up because it seems too hard or you don't
have enough energy to even start. 

To start to get rid of this habit take it slowly you shouldn't
expect yourself to go straight out the door tomorrow and do a
half marathon! Take it gradually and work your way up. Take up a
sport or hobby that makes you have fun and makes you break out
in a sweat, even if it's only chasing the kids around the back

Also it may sound like a contradiction but if you are lacking
in energy, the only way you can increase your energy levels is
to start to burn more energy. 

3.Avoid skipping meals this bad habit can be caused by poor
time management or just thinking that a meal missed will make a
difference to your waistline. Unfortunately it will, but in the
wrong direction. By skipping meals you usually overeat at your
next meal or grab the most convenient thing that's usually heavy
in calories or fat. 

4.Although I've talk about bad habits here a good habit you
next habit you should take up is to never do your grocery
shopping on an empty stomach. When you've got a empty stomach it
can be really hard to focus on the right things to buy and you
usually come home with things that really aren't going to help
with your weight loss. A way to get around this is to make up a
grocery list at home and stick to it religiously, if it isn't on
the list don't buy it! 

Also as a side note always go to the fruit and vegetable
section first and fill up there before visiting the rest of the
store. This leaves you with less room in your trolley or basket
to put other less healthy options in. 

5.Never eat while standing or watching TV, this bad habit can
really affect your waist line. By eating in front of a TV your
mind is distracted and you're not consciously aware of how much
food you're putting in your mouth, you look down and suddenly
your plates empty and you don't even remember eating it or even
tasting it. 

6.Get out of the habit of having to clear your plates during
meal times. It may have been something your mother liked seeing
when you were a child but you don't need to continue this way.
If you find it hard to get out of this habit just buy smaller
plates, this way your conscience is clear and you've still eaten

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